Senhub in detail

Senhub in detail - A new cloud resource to monitor? Performance problems and not enough information to solve the problem?
Senhub in detail - A new cloud resource to monitor? Performance problems and not enough information to solve the problem?

A new cloud resource to monitor?
Performance problems and not enough information to solve the problem?

No monitoring tool is perfect and exhaustive. But rather than replacing it or spending resources to develop and maintain connectors, Senhub solves this problem for you.

How does it do that? Senhub has very powerful connectors that can bring up the metrics you are missing into your monitoring tool. It may be applications or service providers for which your monitoring tool does not have a connector or the proposed metrics are not detailed enough for your needs.
How does it do that? Senhub has very powerful connectors that can bring up the metrics you are missing into your monitoring tool. It may be applications or service providers for which your monitoring tool does not have a connector or the proposed metrics are not detailed enough for your needs.

How does it do that?

Senhub has very powerful connectors that can bring up the metrics you are missing into your monitoring tool. It may be applications or service providers for which your monitoring tool does not have a connector or the proposed metrics are not detailed enough for your needs.

So to extend the capacity of your monitoring, you don’t need to change the monitoring tool or use several of them.
Neither do you need to develop and maintain connectors. Cloud providers’ APIs are constantly evolving and being enhanced.

This integration with your monitoring tool is effortless since Senhub provides this information in a format that it naturally understands.

Senhub is not just a proxy that simply reformats the collected monitoring data
Senhub is not just a proxy that simply reformats the collected monitoring data

Senhub is not just a proxy that simply reformats the collected monitoring data

Thanks to the monitoring expertise of our team’s engineers, Senhub retrieves the best metrics and discards those that generate noise.

Sometimes the most interesting metric is the one calculated from raw data. Senhub does it for you on the fly. It gives you a status or a value on which you can directly build your alerting processes in your monitoring tool.

The slightest latency in retrieving metrics can have a significant impact on the load of your monitoring tool. Senhub stabilizes the monitoring data flow and completely limits false/positive data.


You can have a look at Senhub,
right now

A proof of concept is worth all the big explanations. You can try Senhub now, with no commitment.

Simply create your account (no credit card required) and start monitoring your cloud assets with your very own monitoring tool.

If you have any questions, send us an e-mail at or open our chat window to talk to one of our Senhub buddies.